fire and emergency Department
Halfway River Emergency Services
Halfway River First Nation (HRFN) is within the initial stages of establishing an Emergency Services Department that will offer paramedical and fire fighting services to the Halfway River First Nation and neighbouring communities.
HRFN is currently working to finalize a Fire Hall design and is looking forward to construction start!
Wildland Fire Fighter Training has already begun with an impressive turnout of participants within the HRFN and nearby community, May has some structure protection training and in the upcoming months as our Fire truck is delivered we will be working on Structure fire fighter training as well.

Chris Lalonde
Chris Lalonde is the Fire Chief and the Manager of Emergency Services for the Halfway River Emergency Services Department. Chris has a vast background in emergency services with experience as a Primary Care Paramedic for 7 years; and a Fire Fighter for 17 years. His experience ranges from locations throughout western Canada in various roles and capacities.