Finance Department
Finance Department
The Finance team has been working diligently throughout the year to ensure processes were adhered to and improved. Updated policies are in the works to complement current practices and ensure continued transparency and accountability to the membership.

Management is responsible for the preparation and presentation of the accompanying schedule of remuneration and expenses, including responsibility for significant accounting judgments and estimates under the First Nations Financial Transparency Act. This responsibility includes selecting appropriate accounting principles and methods and making decisions affecting the measurement of transactions in which objective judgment is required.
This past year we worked on:
Department Organization
Our priority was to set the structure and a team organized to identify and analyze the issues in the books. To divide the work and responsibilities accordingly.
Clearing the Backlog activities
Bank reconciliations, Balance sheet accounts, and Deferred revenue adjustments were all brought up to date. It took a while for us to catch up, however the efforts of the finance team met the deadlines set. In the current year, we had monthly financial statements reviews with the Chief and council to review the scope of work in infrastructure.
Setting Goals & Objectives
All the sequence of events in the finance during the year were time-sensitive with monthly reviews and audits in progress. With the support from the band manager and administration, we were able to achieve the results.
Serving the community
Community service is something which we have valued as the most important part of our job. We came up with the idea of conducting a free Tax clinic, planning & advice, and helping members to apply for their EI application and other member's paperwork on request.
Following the Governance policies
To manage time and maintain efficiency, we requested the Chief & Council to have our governance policies up & running which resulted in providing services to every member on time.
If you have questions about Halfway River First Nation’s Finance Department, please feel to contact the Finance Manager at HRFN Band office.
Finance manager: Blesson Joseph